Seed Garden at Farm of Ideas

Farm of Ideas is an organic, small-scale farming operation located at Svanholm Organic Farm. Established by Chef Christian F. Puglisi in 2016, Farm of Ideas have pushed the boundaries of sustainable agriculture by creating a place where gastronomy, agriculture, the city and the countryside can meet, exchange and test new ideas. Besides providing produce to all the restaurants within the Relæ Community, Farm of Ideas is also a place with a mission to change foodsystems through experimentation.
Solitary bee species as managed pollinators in agriculture are an ideal means of disrupting food system sustainably. Since solitary bees cannot be moved while they're active it is important for farms and orchards boost biodiversity (with flowering plants) on margins and within the fields so the bees can forage for pollen and nectar before and after crops have bloomed. Small scale operations with a high variety of crops, such as Farm of ideas, therefore represent an ideal setting for solitary bees.
Habeetats participated in the 2019 Seed Exchange, facilitating solitary bee tours from Copenhagen Seeds Seed Garden to another large shelter in Farm of Ideas Fields.
We've since tagged along with Copenhagen Seeds to a new permanent location in Lejre where Habeetats is pollinating CS seed garden.